A Perfect Bikini Body is Now Possible With Zotrim's Effective Weight Loss Programs!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tone and tighten your belly, bum and boobs

Celebrity Trainer and Zotrim’s Fitness Consultant, Laura Williams suggests the following simple steps to a better bikini body – helping you lose pounds and maintain your weight even after your summer holiday.


BBQs, ice cream and picnics all make summer slimming a challenge. The trick is to eat what you enjoy without overindulging. Zotrim, the plant-based weight loss supplement can help prevent overeating by increasing the feeling of fullness. Zotrim can also be used alongside any other diet plan to reduce hunger hang-ups, making dieting easier so you achieve your bikini body sooner.


Exercise not only enables you to reshape your body but also improves muscle tone to prevent loose skin sagging. I recommend these easy yet effective exercises:

BEAUTIFUL BELLY Pulsing Crunches - Half the effort and double the results – an easy abs exercise in front of the telly.

• Lie on your back with your legs resting at a 90-degree angle against a wall
• Fold your arms behind your head and slowly curl forward from the waist, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor as far forward as you can
• In this position, gently pulse backwards and forwards for a count of 30 then lower back down to the floor
• Rest for 30 seconds and repeat

BEACH BUM Leg Slide - This effective Pilates exercise is great for the hips and bum – so easy it doesn't require the use of any equipment.

• Lie on your left side with your legs straight and toes pointed
• Prop yourself up on your left elbow and position your right arm out in front of you on the floor to help you keep your balance
• Lift both legs a little way off the ground so that your left leg is a couple of inches off the floor and you're balancing on your hips - pull the lower part of your tummy in (between your hip bones) to help maintain your balance
• Slowly extend your right leg out in front of you as far you can with minimal movement in the hips and without your left leg touching the ground. Slowly slide your leg back to the starting position and repeat
• Aim for 10 leg slides and then change sides

SKINNY DIPPING Seated Row - Forget the chest; work the upper back muscles and you can help your bust defy the laws of gravity!

• Sit on a chair leaning back very slightly with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground
• Hold a large bottle of water out in front of you in each hand at chest height
• Keeping your upper arms glued to your sides, bend your elbows and bring the water bottles in towards your body (still at chest level squeezing your shoulder blades)
• Stop when the bottles reach either side of your chest then straighten your arms and return to your starting position
• Do two sets of 20 with a 30 second rest in between each set

Top Tip: Zotrim complements exercise as it prevents you overeating after a workout yet provides the energy boost you require to help burn calories.


To help maintain your ultimate bikini body simply take Zotrim when temptation takes over (an all-inclusive buffet, day out at Ascot or family wedding). Alternatively, log onto www.zotrim.com for free tips and advice – don’t let your weight loss be in vain.

Some Useful Tips on How to Lose Weight Easily!

If you are like most people looking to lose some pounds, then you probably have read some weight loss tips along the line. What you will read here are probably part of what you read but the difference is that you will know here that it is not just about knowing what to do without actually doing them. If you must maintain that heard earned new sexy look, you have to keep reading then.

ProactolDietary control- The first thing you need to do is to what you eat which I’m sure you know to have even succeeded in losing weight to where you are now. The battle is not over yet just because you have lot some weight. You are about to get back to what you used to be if you don’t keep doing what you were doing. You need to understand that, there is no end to it. If you achieved weight lose through dieting, use of fat binders, or any form of slimming pills, you need to keep doing it. You need more discipline now than ever before.

Exercise- By now you should be mature as far as exercises are concerned and you should be going higher despite haven lost enough weight. If you keep you calories consumption at the same level, an extra 10 minutes of aerobics daily wouldn’t make much difference. This will help you not to drop.

Change the way you live- I am talking about the way you live. Remember that diet is just one of the ways that helped you loss weight. You need to change all the habits that caused you to add weight in the first place. If you we living a sedentary lifestyle, you will need to get a little more active. Avoid the elevators, take over the work of walking the dog, it doesn’t just help the job get some fresh air but helps you too. Leave the car sometimes and help out on the lawn if you never used to. You just must get active.

Join support group- It is truly difficult to do it alone no matter how determined you may be. If you can afford to join a group please do. You need to be able to encourage each other. Sometimes they even prevent you from snapping up that chocolate. Online groups are better because there are some free forums around where you could get the encouragement to stay focused on staying slim. Just Google “online slimming support groups”.

Picture Yourself When you still had that your buttons popping up- Always try to recall what you used to look like. I’m sure if you don’t like the mental picture, it should scare you to action. So take a photograph of you in past and post it by your bedside- what a nightmare!

Reorganize Your Food Stock- certain kinds of foods should no longer find their way into your store or refrigerator. Snack shouldn’t come near your refrigerator. That means even your kids will have to share your plight. ‘Sorry pet, we can no longer have chocolates in this home’. You need to be bold enough to tell him that.

Finally don’t just stuff things into you mouth especially if it’s a new product. Always take the extra step to read the labels to know what ingredients you’ve got there before you kill yourself again.